A safe, stable place to live is an essential part of family life.

Section 8
The Housing Choice Voucher Program (Section 8) is a way for low-income families or individuals to afford housing. To get a housing voucher, you apply for Section 8 through local public housing agencies (PHAs), which assess your income and family size.
- If you get a “project-based” housing voucher, you might live in a specific apartment complex.
- If you get a “tenant-based” housing voucher, you have the choice of where to live from places that accept Section 8 vouchers.
“The lady that helped me out was awesome and so sweet!”
You might have to pay a portion of each paycheck or the amount left over after the amount provided by the housing voucher under Section 8 has been applied to your rent.
We specialize in helping families with children under 3 years old and women who are pregnant to apply for housing assistance for free.
Talk with a human about getting housing assistance. Give us a call!