Trusted childcare services so you can provide for your family.

The state of Texas provides childcare services for eligible families. We specialize in helping families with children under 3 years old find out what childcare assistance is available for them.
Different options could include funds for enrollment in a daycare, reimbursement for paid childcare, after school care, and other childcare assistance services.
“She advised me and told me about benefits I didn’t know existed. It was a great experience!”
Families that are eligible for childcare assistance usually look something like this:
- They have a young child or children
- They are U.S. citizens or legal immigrants
- They are homeless or living in a low income home
- Parents require childcare in order to work or look for work
You don’t want to have to search through all the websites and legal forms just to find out how to apply for childcare support. Talk with a human today about getting childcare assistance. Give us a call!
Housing Assistance
You could get housing vouchers to apply to your rent. Learn about it here.